Monday, April 11, 2016

The Concept "Nature"

A seemingly-simple plain and ordinary English word, "Nature" is one of the most complex, far-reaching, important, and hard-to-pin-down terms in the language.

We are using it to properly appreciate the sharp and antagonistic division between Enlightenment and Romaticism. The Enlightenment turned the word Nature toward its eventual reductive sense of the mecahnical agglomeration of earth, air, water, plants, and animals; where the Romantics revitalised its British 18th C. meaning (the province of the Augustans) as guide and principle of life and conduct.

This division remains still in effect--recognised or subliminal--as we shall see as our study of the literature continues.

Groups of students in a past iteration of 7005 researched 18th C. definitions of the Term, here listed following my own.

Nature: an objective standard, external to mind but fully accessible by it. 'Human Nature' is that which acts (by instinct, habit, or will) in accordance with that standard.

Justin, Sabrina, and Barrie:
Nature has two forms: Nature as an external reality and Nature as an internal reality. Nature as an external reality is that which is depicted outwardly and nature as an internal reality is that which man has inside him (Deane, 1935, 73).
• nature symbolises human limitations
• Human nature is that is in us which follows that standard
• During the renaissance period, the period before the age of reason in 18th century, people were inspired by arts and nature. The romantics that believe in nature may be people who have understand and experience the renaissance period.
• Human nature are characteristics of how one thinks, emotes, or act that is natural to them
• The Romantics and the Enlightenment served as a transition period from nature to science
Jared, Karen, and Neal:

Nature is reasonable -- Nature can be understood. Nature is rational. Man is part of Nature, therefore, man can be understood.

James & Larissa

-the 18th C. saw themselves as part of nature; “one-ness”
-Discovery of truth by observation for the current life rather than going by the Bible?
-a way to govern their actions/behaviour (humans were designed to act rationally) rather than laws?
-acting in accordance to nature is morally good
-source of inspiration/a teacher for poetry

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